"She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain." {Louisa May Alcott}

Monday, July 12, 2010

NO I do not want Viagra

...Or Cialis, or Cheap Rolexes for that matter. Those stupid, annoying spam emails really get to me sometimes. I don't understand how these companies get my email address. I reserve one address specifically for professional and business matters, and never enter it into those sometimes tempting giveaways, so where do they get it from?! It must be some unwritten rule: Have email address = will get spam. I can usually just send them to Junk no problem, but for some reason unbeknown to me my hotmail account won't let me! Ughhh it's so frustrating...

On a lighter note: I stumbled across this website,The Oatmeal. One of the funniest that I have seen so far. So you absolutely have to, HAVE TO, check it out. I seriously cry laughing every time I go on it, which is very very frequently now. My favorite thing on the site is probably this. It's so true!

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